Jul. 29th, 2011


RP Backlog - Practice Makes Perfect

Date: August 19th, 1978
Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange and Barty Crouch
Location: Basement of the Lestrange Manor
Warnings: Cruelty to House Elves
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Bella is giving Barty some extra training.
Status: incomplete

Read more )

Jul. 1st, 2011


RP Backlog - Family life is a bit like a runny peach pie

Date: July 1st 2014
Characters: Katie McLaggen and Cormac McLaggen
Location: McLaggen Estate
Warnings: TBD (Though I anticipate none)
Public/Private: Private
Summary: The McLaggens and their home life
Status: incomplete

not perfect but who's complaining? )

May. 29th, 2011


RP Backlog: Our first kiss won't be the last

Date: June 13, 2000
Characters: Malachi Lestrange and Lavender Brown
Location: London Park then Malachi's flat
Warning: None
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Lavender gives Malachi a tarot card reading in the park as previously arranged. It's the second time they meet and last time before Lavender is pulled into Putus village.
Status: Complete

I believe it's only time that keeps us from the thing divine )

May. 28th, 2011


RP Backlog: The End of The End.

Date: February 16th 1983
Characters: Augustus Rookwood and Celestia Fox
Location: Azkaban.
Warnings: TBD.
Public/Private: Private.
Summary: The divorce is finalised.
Status: Incomplete.

It is an amputation physically and an emotional death )

May. 26th, 2011


RP: Do you think I'm special? Do you think I'm nice?

Date: June 10, 2000
Characters: Malachi Lestrange and Lavender Brown
Location: London Park
Warning: None
Public/Private: Private
Summary: The first time that Malachi and Lavender meet he paints her portrait in a park.
Status: Incomplete

Am I bright enough to shine in your spaces? )


Backlog - It's beginning to look alot like Christmas

Date: December 12th 1999
Characters: Octavius Pepper and Meg McCormack
Location: Bones in the Water, Diagon Alley
Warnings: G
Public/Private: Private
Summary: A normal business day
Status: complete

So, buy some stuff. )